Thinking Factory


1.企画デザイン/Planning 織物設計/Textile Design
We always develop forward trending materials to propose to customers in Japan and overseas.We pursue product creation with our in house engineers that can’t be done anywhere else.
We decide textile structure, the warp number, length, density, width, then create the design specification.
2.染色/Yarn Dyeing サイジング/Sizing
The purpose of the dyeing department is to finish all materials matching as per the customer’s desired colors.Over the years we have accumulated a library of about 200,000 colors in our archive.We promise excellent dyeing durability in laundering and light fastness.
We rewind the weaving beam while gluing the warp.Because it needs to change the concentration and formulation of the glue depending on the material and condition of warp, experience and knowledge are required.
We have 95 air looms and rapier looms in total.All machines are made to support a width of 150cm. The maximum width available is 180cm.We are working to deal with delivery times and improved quality utilizing drawing machines and leasing machines.
WR(Wrinkle-resistant)processing, Liquid ammonia processing, Calendaring, Washer, Piece dyeing.With three different kinds of rising machines, we are able to express various staples and touches such as flannel, peach, and others.Beginning with resin processing and antibacterial sterilizing, we are able to grant various planes of functionality such as deodorizing, coolness or warmth, UV blocking, water absorbing and quick.We achieve the texture that our customers desires by combining various types of processing equipment and keep making research and development daily according to changing needs.
*特殊加工/Special Finish
We produce new finishing products such as crease-resistant processing to lessen grasped wrinkles, 100% cotton natural stretch processing, and resin processing which gives a sense of rebound.